Warley Town School

Warley Town School

Visits, Visitors & Events


  • The Warley Factor
  • Bastille Day
  • Calderdale's Voices Together
  • Class R - Trip to Cartwright Hall

  • Class E - Outdoor adventuring

  • Class L trip to Bankfield museum and Clip 'n' Climb

  • Class W and Class A - Trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park
  • Eid parties
  • Bikeability Y2, Y4, Y6
  • Orienteering event 
  • World Book Day

  • Safer Internet Day 

  • Athletics event
  • NSPCC Number Day

  • Christmas Fayre

  • Christmas nativity performance 

  • Reverse advent - collecting for Happy Days

  • Anti bullying week

  • #HelloYellow

  • Children in Need

  • Cross Country events
  • Enormous Allotment Tidy-up
  • Football festivals
  • Harvest 

  • Y6 Residential - Robin Wood

  • Mac Millan coffee morning
  • Rugby Tots taster day
  • Judo taster day 
  • Open the Book assemblies 

  • Stay and Play - EYFS

  • Open classrooms - KS1 & 2

  • FASD - red shoes rock


  • The Warley Factor

  • EYFS trip - Thornton Farm Park

  • KS1 trip - Yorkshire Sculpture Park

  • Y5 - Outdoor learning day 

  • Y4 trip - Museum of Science & Industry

  • World Book Day

  • Safer Internet Day 

  • NSPCC Number Day

  • Christmas Fayre

  • Christmas nativity performance 

  • Reverse advent - collecting for local food banks

  • Remembrance Day

  • Anti bullying week

  • #HelloYellow

  • Children in Need

  • Harvest 

  • Smart Move assembly and collection

  • Y6 Residential - Robin Wood

  • Phunky Foods
  • Open the Book assembly - St John's church

  • Skip 2B Fit

  • FASD - red shoes rock